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Network Management

Internet Providers

Finding  a reliable ISP (Internet Service Provider) as well as choosing the appropriate service options is essential for any business. Many businesses are paying too much for their service, without even realizing that their ISP contract has expired. Need-a-Nerd can help you review your current ISP contract and make changes that will help with speed as well as monthly cost.

Modems, Firewalls, Routers and Switches

Modems are the gateway from your ISP to provided internet to your business. Modems are usually  bundled with routers, firewalls, switches, and even wifi capability. While this may work well for very small offices, it undermines the ability for network growth and expansions. Need-a-Nerd can help you plan your network needs based upon your business goals.

Failover Internet

Failover internet refers to a backup internet connection that automatically kicks in when the primary ISP connection fails or becomes unavailable. This ensures continuous connectivity and minimizes downtime, making it an essential solution for businesses and organizations that rely heavily on internet access. Need-a-Nerd can help you find a secondary ISP, and integrete it into your system.

Subnet Management

Adding additional networks (subnets) to your business is an important aspect of expansion and organization. Need-a-Nerd can help you determine your subnet needs based upon your business goals and future IT plans. Adding additional subnets creates room for expansion and minimizes/eliminates conflicts within a single subnet.

Network Documentation

As with all aspects of business IT, Need-a-Nerd can assist in creating comprehensive documentation that addresses all aspects of your business network and IT infrastruture. Such documentation is essential for new IT administrators who are needed when the previous administrator is no longer able or willing to provide ongoing services.

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